The next few months I'm going to dedicated to shrinking my preps. I want smaller more mobile, and more efficient gear. I'm selling and trading some stuff, and as painful as it is buying new more compact equipment when and where I can. For example, I already had some coleman dual fuel lanterns, but I'm dumping all my propane camp stoves and moving to a dual fuel camp stove. its smaller, the fuel last forever, and is more efficient.
I love, love, LOVE this camp stove. Cooking in out is like being at home, but there is a problem. Just look at how big that darn thing is in my trailer (its the big black box in the middle, and that chem toilet too. They take up way too much valuable space.

Well, I already replaced the toilet with a folding chair type that uses bags, and takes up less than a quarter of the space. And I counted yesterday and i've managed to pick up 8 gallons of Coleman white gas. Thats more then double the burn time from propane I would have if all my 20 pounders were full (which is rare). So i'm now on the hunt for a dual fuel camp stove.
I won't abandon propane as a fuel source. It still works great for camping and everyday outdoor activities, but this is a dramatic shift in priorities for my preps and will require some work and investment.