Now I already had 4 tents, ranging from a 10 person family, 2 different size Coleman instant tents (which I LOVE), and a 3 person dome. All of them have their place, but none of them are light enough that you would want to carry them for any length of time, let alone, hump them through the bush or up a mountain trail for a week.
So thus far, I had only got to set it up in the basement and in my yard to test, but I finally got a chance to fully test my Vango Bashee 300, along with all my backpacking gear for a full weekend. Even though it was just a normal Boy Scout campout, and I had my usual truck full of gear at the ready, I put all my light weight ystems to the test and lived completely out of my backpack.
In typical Michigan fashion we got all the weather available in 72 hours. There was a substantial rain storm the first night with high driving winds and cool temps so at the Detroit River waterfront it got into the 40s. This was followed by a warm front that moved in that took us into the 80s for the rest of the weekend. In the top pic you can see how everything was soaked and the heat created dense fog, then it became a sauna the second night. I got to fully test my Vango, my Klimate Static V sleeping pad and X pillow, and my Ledge feather light sleeping bag in the full range of environments. The Vango shook the water and wind off like a champ and kept me dry but not clammy. Then the next night I stretched out the front lines and opened the front and rear vents a little more and enjoyed the breeze and cross flow of the ventilation.
In typical Michigan fashion we got all the weather available in 72 hours. There was a substantial rain storm the first night with high driving winds and cool temps so at the Detroit River waterfront it got into the 40s. This was followed by a warm front that moved in that took us into the 80s for the rest of the weekend. In the top pic you can see how everything was soaked and the heat created dense fog, then it became a sauna the second night. I got to fully test my Vango, my Klimate Static V sleeping pad and X pillow, and my Ledge feather light sleeping bag in the full range of environments. The Vango shook the water and wind off like a champ and kept me dry but not clammy. Then the next night I stretched out the front lines and opened the front and rear vents a little more and enjoyed the breeze and cross flow of the ventilation.
As for the rest of my gear, my Ledge feather light 20 was more then capable of keeping me warm on the forty degree night, and was just as cozy as my River 0 heavy sleeping bag. The Klimate Static V was the shocker. It was actually more comfortable then my big inflatable twin mattress. Klimate gets good reviews on most sites, and they are richly deserved. I liked the way the X-pillox cradled my head when placed in the back of the mummy bag, and the fact that is delates and floods so small it fits in the stuff sack with the Static V means you won't even know you're carrying it.
Now none of this is like sleeping at home, but after hiking 20 miles, I am sure I can get a good restful nights sleep and recharge my batteries with this system.