Ok, I finally am sitting still long enough to put some details on this new trailer up. I already talked about the how and why I landed on the Intech, and now that I have used it a few times I have begun to tailor it to my needs. In theory if the SHTF day ever came, this is my "hook up and go" giant bug out bag. But lets be honest, the SHTF on a regular basis all around the world on a local basis. From California wild fires to hurricanes battering the coast, to any number of regional events, things happen, people need to evacuate, and a lot of times lives get lost. The faster you can vacate a danger zone, the better. Sometimes you get a lot of fore warning, but not always, and my new trailer upped my readiness and survivability.

Of course the trailer is a transport method for my gear, and I keep it loaded and ready. Yeah, some of this is my camping gear that I use anytime i'm out, but a lot of it is emergency and survival gear that is just stored in the trailer instead of on a shelf or in my basement. I have to unload it before a recreational outing, and thats a complete reversal of the norm by unloading to go, but it keeps me in a constant state of readiness.

I still keep my totes loaded like previously wrote about. They stay in the basement ready to be loaded in the truck bed, but things that are not temperature sensitive, I store in the trailer.

This trailer is not just a gear hauler, it also serves as base camp. With its 270 degree foxwing awning, attachable tent, and wind breaks, it gives my family ample shelter from the elements. On TV its marauders, or aliens, or zombies, that are the enemy, thats fun and glamorous but in reality weather, exposure, and the environment will and has killed more people then anything else.

If I ever have to evacuate my home, I don't want to be sleeping on the floor of some school gym, or a FEMA camp. If anything was ever to be learned from New Orleans and the response to Hurricane Katrina, its you do NOT want your fate to be in the hands of the government. Thats not to say they may not have the best intentions, its just not how I roll.
Now this piece of gear also has a huge impact on me in another way. It allows me to get out and enjoy THIS! You can not overestimate the value of recreation, and recharging your mental batteries. Being able to comfortably get away and enjoy this view does more for my mental stability then all the prozac at the nearest pharmacy. The joy this brings me is immeasurable, AND at the same time it stands ready to shield me in case I have to evacuate.