Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My base camp / bug out trailer inventory

I put the trailer up, but didn't go through everything I carry, so here is  a detailed inventory list.

Now first off, I know i'm carrying a lot of stuff that most preppers don't think is a necessity.  They figure "i'm evacuating so grab  my bag and what i need in 5 minutes and go".  But by keeping all my base camp gear packed and prepped, I can hook the trailer up just as quick as I can get to a closet and grab a BOB.  Yes, it takes a lot of discipline to clean and repack all my gear on a Sunday evening after a long weekend of camping when I'm hot, dirty, and just want a shower, but if you're committed and want to stay ready then thats the price.  If i let it get away from me, thats exactly when the crisis will come.

Second, IF I bug out, its gotten so bad chances are I am going to be gone a lot longer then a 72 hours, so I plan to take everything to survive for an extended period. Third, I keep it in an unheated garage, so a lot of temperature sensitive gear and all my food stays in the basement.  Just because you don't see it listed doesn't mean i don't have it ready, i just don't want some of my other gear subjected to the heat and cold. Ok so here we go...

1 Coleman Elite Weathermaster tent
1 Coleman Instant 8 person tent w/rain fly
(my tents are oversize for my family of 4 so it allows me to bring gear in and protect gear from the elements as well as offer others shelter if i need to)

2 waterproof 18oz duck canvas tarps custom sized to base layer under the tents
2 Coleman 4 in 1 air mattress sets (4 twins) 
5 sleeping bags all season sub 0 (one spare) 
4 camp chairs
3 Camo vinyl general use tarps
2 Camouflage nets 6 X 9
5 heavy duty rope cords
12 100ft cords or 550 para cord (4 black, 2 tan camo, 4 green camo, 2 winter camo)
Miscellaneous pulleys, tie-down hooks, and steaks   
Titanium chain and pad locks
30 1 LB propane tanks
1 Camp chef stove / oven
1 StoveTec Rocket stove
Field rated cookwear set
1 Mr Heater
1 Camp Chem toilet
1 Katadyn brand Ceradyn gravity water filter w/spare cartages 
2 cans fix a flat
2 fire extinguishers
Mosquito / bug netting
1 Shovel
1 large Axe 
1 Stanley extreme pry-bar multi-tool
1 bolt / lock cutters
1 Rubber mallet
1 Manual tire air pump
1 Camp shower
2 Fuel siphon hose (you never know what the fuel source will be)
6 BSA mess kits and cutlery sets
2 LED flash lights (there are a lot more other places)
4 Frog togg rain ponchos
First aid kit

I think I'm well equipped for my family of 4, but my spares allow me to assist and support others like additional family members or contribute to a small group should the need arise.  I also have space for my solar panels as part of my power generation system, but I don't keep them in the trailer.

Now, my Eagle Scout buddies out there and Bear Grylls are saying "Seriously dude, air mattresses, chem toilet, and camping chairs? WTF? Carry food!"  Well, thats what the bed of the pickup is reserved for... Seriously, do I have a food plan, and an environmental reason for an evacuation is a lot more likely then TEOTWAWKI.

So I figure if something environmental like with hurricane Sandy or Katrina happening is the cause of the evac, and you will be gone a while but eventually return home and things will normalize, you can afford to make your temporary camp as comfortable as possible.

I'm by no means an expert, so if you see something I missed, have any suggestions, ideas, or comments, i'ed love to hear them. 


  1. thanks for listing the contents!

  2. A cook tent. It's frequently much easier to have this a dedicated space than to try and jam it under the fly.

    1. A screen house to cook, eat, and keep food in, is in the plan. I have been looking at them really hard, If i can catch a good store discount coupon or one on sale, i'll pick it up.

  3. Oh, and tables for cooking/eating on.

    1. I have 1 table thats half top and half steel mesh for setting my camp over & grills on. In a bug-out, It "fits" the back of my pickup and sits a little higher then the tailgate to help hold in the stuff packed in the truck. Appreciate the input. Thanks
